Fertilizer trading has been one of the core competencies of AGRAVIS Ost for many years. The trimodal logistics at some of our trans-shipment points as well as our close-knit land storage network are the basis of our fertilizer trade.
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- Fertilizer
The optimal supply of your crops and soils with fertilizers from national and international producers is the goal of our fertilizer distribution and logistics.
Our product range includes all solid and liquid fertilizers with different nutrients. Therefore, trade and logistics for various fertilizer-, converter- and residue limes are very important fields for us. Baseds on this, we always keep a sharp eye on the fertilizer regulations and the nutrient efficiency in your soil.

In the entire sales area of Agravis Ost, we can offer you individual fertilizer blends and tailored solutions for your farm, individual fields, and crops.
Blended fertilizers allow you to:
- an optimized balance of nutrients on your fields,
- yield increase and quality assurance through precise planning
- and the possibility of adding trace nutrients, such as boron, manganese, and zinc, with the same amount of work.
Round grain mixtures
- The particle size spectra of the mixing partners match 95 percent. Hardly any segregation and larger spreading widths ensure a perfect distribution.
Own brands
- Optimal nutrient ratios and high product quality ensure your yield.