Location Riesa


Your way to us

01591 Riesa

Phone 0049 (0)3525 5309820
E-Mail info@agravisost.de

Our opening hours

Monday through Friday: 6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
During harvest season on-demand as needed.


Connection: Trimodal (road, rail, water)

Storage capacity:

  • cereals and oilseeds: 100,000 tons
  • Fertilizer solid: 8,000 tons

Our location

The Riesa - Hafen Nord site, a modern agricultural trading location with trimodal connections, controls the entire activities in Saxony. Many years of experience in the trade of grain and oilseeds, sale of animal feed, warehousing, and regional agricultural consulting, and services enrich our customers in Saxony. By also providing operating resources for arable farming, fruit and vegetable growing, and animal husbandry, we round off our product range. Additional seven external warehouses and cooperation with partners in harvest collection and logistics, ensure customer proximity, excellent service, and thus the best possible customer support.

Products and services

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